
Clock Tower

In 1968/1969 the Rotary Club of Biloela purchased and erected the town clock at the intersection of Callide Street and Dawson Highway.
In 2011/2012 Graham Barnes took on the task of renovating the Town Clock completing it on the 23rd of February 2013.
In 2019/2020 the Town Clock was rejuvenated and returned to keeping time.
In 2021 the R100 Baton took time to visit the Town Clock on its journey around Biloela.

Grand Piano for Civic Centre

In 1976/1977 after a busy year that included the Rotary Roundabout in September, a 3 day Rodeo in November and a one day Rodeo in April the Rotary Club of Biloela were able to donate the Grand Piano to the Civic Centre.

Wahroonga Retirement Village

In 1978/1979 the club purchased 2 blocks of land at Wahroonga. This was the first time the club went into debt. The debt was paid off in 1980/1981. This land provided access to Wahroonga from the Burnett Highway.

President Col Muir’s main project in 1981/1982 was to establish the park in front of Wahroonga. Approximately 80 trees were planted, garden areas lined with black plastic and covered with pebbles at Wahroonga Rotary Park.

Biloela Swimming Pool Changing Rooms

In 1985/1986 a commitment for $30,000 was made for the construction of changing rooms at the new Olympic swimming pool with the final payment made in 1988/1989.

The Rotary Club of Biloela was also involved in the construction of the grandstand.